Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The wee man done good

A friend and ex-colleague, who quit his job to go and sit on Scottish hilltops looking at birds (sorry, "surveying wildlife") is also, it turns out, a rather bloody good writer. Who knew?

His first novel "In Many Ways" was a highly entertaining story of scumbags in Glasgee, violence and bad language. All my favourite things! It's a download only book, available from Amazon. 1,000 downloads and counting. It's less than a quid - go, buy it.

Pete's second novel will be released on 10th March 2012. It's called "Pandora's Pitbull" and I can vouch for it right off the bat. I was lucky enough to be asked to proof-read the book, which I gladly did, so I've had a good preview. No doubt the finished story will be a bit different from the one I read, what with inevitable amendments, re-writes - the usual stuff that editing involves, so I look forward to reading it all over again.

Follow Pete's blog and you can read the stuff that spills out of his heed too.

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