Friday was a very chilled out day. It was dang hot and we spent a lot of the day just hanging in the garden with Vinny, Casey the super affectionate dog and the crazy cat. Jodi had to go to work, during the day.
Vinny and Mark practice their loafing skills. Experts at work...
Bonkers cat! Affectionate one minute, biting your ankles the next.
We were just enjoying the weather and watching birds and butterflies buzzing around the garden.
Then we went with Vinny to pick Viv up from school and she hung out with us in the afternoon too.
Lunch was American style sandwiches (which I am now obsessed with since we came home). They KNOW how to make a sandwich! It has to have AT LEAST 6 ingredients.
None of your boring cheese & pickle - oh no..... For example, my sandwich today was mayonnaise, quorn ham, grated cheese, cucumber, lettuce and home-made salsa - and it was bloody lovely.
But I digress (again).
Vern stayed over at her friend Cassidy’s house on Friday night, so we didn't see her much. She's a Varsity cheerleader and they had a game. She looked awesome in her outfit.
It was still so hot on Friday evening that we decided to not go to the Brendan Benson gig in San Diego. Besides - we wanted to spend as much time as possible with our friends, and a gig isn't the best place to make conversation.
Vinny made his world famous tacos for dinner, which were YUMMERS, then I settled down to watch a film with Jodi, while the boys watched a baseball game. Jodi and I watched 300, which is a fantastic film about the Spartan army. It was cool.
Sleep. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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