Friday, 21 August 2009

Sometimes the past is just the past...

Last night we went to a really disappointing Dinosaur Jnr. gig. I'll admit that I've never been a BIG fan, but we thought it'd be a fun 'blast from the past' night.
So I squeezed myself into my vintage original Posies t-shirt and off we went to The Junction in Cambridge.
There were a LOT of flannel shirts and beards on display. Fleet Foxes have a lot to answer for.

I wasn't feeling all that enthusiastic about being somewhere hot and crowded, seeing as I'd only just got over a serious stomach bug illness. I even tried to give my ticket away to a friend during the afternoon, but he couldn't make it, so I was determined to get back on the horse and make the most of it.

We arrived in time to catch most of the support band's set. They are called Dead Confederate. You can find them on Myspace if you're interested.
They're pretty good! Nice voice, nice tunes. They wooshed between power pop and indie rock quite nicely, with some great wig-outs and swirly guitars thrown in. It was like being transported back to 1993 (in a good way).
They're playing at Bumbershoot in Seattle while we're there, and we both said we'd go and see them again if we get the opportunity.

Good start....

So - Dinosaur Jnr.
Ummm, I initially thought it was me, just not being into being there because I still wasn't feeling well, but sadly that was not the case.
They sidled onto the stage in a half-hearted fashion, picked up their instruments without saying a word and proceeded to UNLEASH on the audience the most ridiculous volume level I've experienced since My Bloody Valentine!

There are certain things that have to happen for me to enjoy live music.
  1. The band have to look like they actually want to be there, rather than look like they'd rather be anywhere else.
  2. They have to play like they mean it, not like they're just going through the motions.
  3. Communicate with the audience. Look at them once in a while. Say something, anything between songs.
  4. Play loud by all means. (There's nothing worse than the volume being so low that you can hear all the inconsiderate tossers in the audience who refuse to keep quiet during gigs.) BUT don't play so stupidly loud that even earplugs jammed in as far as they'll go aren't enough to stem the sonic barrage. There were people who didn't have earplugs LEAVING! That is officially TOO LOUD.

The sound was loud (did I mention that?) and very, very harsh. The mix was crap - you could barely hear the vocals over the wall of sound coming from the 3 (count em) enormous Marshall stacks. Probably not entirely the sound guy's fault, as there's only so much you can do when competing with that kind of level on stage.

After about 4 songs I'd had enough, so I went to get some fresh air and a drink.
Mark only lasted 2 more songs than me before he'd had enough too.
We left early, avoided the queue to get out of the car park and got some chips on the way home.

Not a 'bad' night, but not the best by a long shot.

Give me The Posies over Dinosaur Jnr. ANY DAY. Gorgeous voices, sweet, sweet harmonies, intricate guitars, songs that grab you by the heart and squeeze, songs that grab you by the throat and squeeze, songs that make you want to jump around, songs that make you cry, songs that make you smile - plus some of the nicest people you'll meet. One of the most criminally over-looked bands EVER.

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